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Results for 2520 episodes on Czech Casting

Czech Casting 2520

Miroslava (19)

This day in the history of Czech Casting will be remembered either as Golden Opportunity Day or Damn Day… Because we have been visited by an angel of beauty. We've had lots of nice girls here, several especially nice ones even, but only a handfull of truly beautiful and exceptionally fine women – like today’s catch. Nineteen years old Miroslava belongs, without any doubt, to the top of the imaginary beauty-of-the-white-couch chart. Take a look for yourself. Her poses seemed so natural and yet so damn enticing! Our photographer couldn't hide his excitement and the urge to go for her luxurious pussy … But an etheric being such as herself could hardly move around without protection. Miroslava's „pitbull“, her jealous and ready-for-anything boyfriend, was with her all the time. It wasn’t easy even to convince him to take his coffee in the calm of the next room. This changing the whole angelic casting into a tense thriller, which could explode into a horror show any minute… One hell of a ride. Check it out.

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