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Results for Michaela black episodes on Czech Casting

Czech Casting 4909

Michaela (24)

Today’s CzechCasting presents black-haired Michaela, an honest girl who just moved to the capital from the misty Sumava mountains. She's looking for a job and a sense of happiness she didn’t in Spain, where she worked as a cook… Cooking is her hobby, but most of all she enjoy taking photos. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope she finds what she's looking for! Maybe, she could make a certain horny cameraman happy on her way towards a bright future, don't you think? The camera keeps rolling, of course… Michaela decided on the spot. Almost before he could say anything, she grabbed his dick and sucked it hard. Quick, ha? So download this great CzechCasting video and don't miss a thing!

Czech Casting 8341

Michaela (24)

The surprise Michaela is hiding in her panties is a huge one. HUGE! Her pussy is enormous in all respects. Her meat curtains are massive and her clit is above average. And it’s totally swollen. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her pussy gulping down a black mammoth dildo! This is kick-ass! Our cameraman would lose in her folds completely. Check out Michaela and her canyon-like pussy. It’s totally worth it!

Czech Casting 0701

Michaela (27)

Michaela studied art. That’s the first fact. We all know artists tend to be a little…different. She is dating a 17 years old guy, her ex-boyfriend was 30 years older than she. Third fact. She attacked our cameraman, that’s the fourth fact. Wait, what? Yeah, that’s right. This girl is completely out of control. She swears, she fucks, she does just anything she wants and doesn’t care what others think. She needs to be tamed, but who would dare to tame such a wild girl? Our host and our cameraman were hopeless time to time during filming this scene and you have to know that doesn’t happen very often. This video is very exceptional and it’s definitely worth seeing because it finally reveals the fiery temperament hidden in the hearts of Czech women. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

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