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Czech Casting 3053

Lucie (24)

Today’s CzechCasting is a ceremonial one, because the fair-haired Lucie from Bilina (North Bohemia) lost her casting virginity to it. On first sight, she appears to be a confident fierce young woman who walked many a catwalk and who may have been born a natural… But don’t trust this first impression. It was really her first time trying her luck, so it’s a big honor to us she chose CzechCasting. It’s her big dream to be the star of famous fashion shows. She dreams about that coming true during her working hours while she manufactures car windshields. This extremely thin girl has another passion too – tattoos, but she never found enough confidence to get one. Lucka, we have an idea. What about letting your pussy be tattooed by our cameraman’s hard cock? It will be quick, very pleasant and we will give you five hundred Crowns in cash. What do you say?

Czech Casting 1488

Denisa (24)

Heavenly bitch! Picturesque beauty will get under your skin and you never stop thinking about her. This secretary with long legs can be modest and provocative at the same time. Her oil solo will bring you to the ecstasy that you will leave your wife/girlfriend for an hour. You will swoon in front of the screen and send us mails asking for Denisa’s phone number. But this taste brunette is not for everybody. She’s a successful model whose hips in bikini eased millions of spectators of the MotoGP!!! Denisa is one hot piece of ass! The natural cure to any kind of erectile disjunction. Get a proper dose, guys!!!

Czech Casting 7671

Alina (19)

Sometimes we are lucky to have here an exchange student or just a girl from abroad. And today is exactly that day, so we are proud to present Alina, a very slim brunette from Kazakhstan (that’s the place Borat came from). She is here to study and to show us the beauties of Kazakhstan. I think you will like what you are about to see, because Alina has a body of a model. She is so slim you could call her anorexic. She doesn’t speak very well Czech though, but well, who cares, right?

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